The Supernatural Origin of the Natural
This article serves merely as a guide for easy reference to a series of articles I’m writing with the above title. This is in response to an article by Ted Wade on Medium, entitled The Natural Origin of the Supernatural. This claimed that the supernatural is a figment of humans’ imagination.
There is an introduction:
Article 2, which argues that the findings of quantum physics suggest the existence of the supernatural:
Article 3, which argues that the Jungian concept of synchronicity suggests the existence of the supernatural:
Article 4, which discusses the Taoist book of wisdom the I Ching as a manifestation of synchronicity:
That concludes part 1. Part 2 discusses the existence of discarnate entities.
There is an introduction:
Article 1, which discusses the phenomenon of demonic possession:
Article 2 continues on the theme of demonic possession in relation to mental illness, discussing the work of therapist Wilson Van Dusen, who was influenced by Emanuel Swedenborg:
Article 3 discusses the theme further, the implications for society:
Further articles will discuss nature spirits, angels, and gods and goddesses.