The link you include merely seems to be written by someone as bigoted as Maddox in regard to homeopathy, a ‘blogger’ who doesn’t even have the courage to use his (I suspect) own name. Who on earth is oracknows? And you want to me take this person seriously? I have to believe everything he writes?
Montagnier told the conference last week that solutions containing the DNA of pathogenic bacteria and viruses, including HIV, “could emit low frequency radio waves” that induced surrounding water molecules to become arranged into “nanostructures”. These water molecules, he said, could also emit radio waves
It would be better if you offered evidence to disprove this, rather than rely upon ‘fellow Nobel prize winners — who view homeopathy as quackery’. The whole point of my article was to suggest that established scientists can be materialist bigots. This might well be further evidence.
As I have no knowledge of the material cited regarding autism, I am happy to concede that the author may be right on that point.