Thanks very much for your complimentary remarks.
My research does not make what I suggest in the article true, however, although I believe it's a strong possibility. I've received some critical responses.
It's by no means certain that Jesus was taken to Egypt as a baby. This story appears only in Matthew, and seems to be contradicted directly in Luke.
Matthew may have invented the idea merely because he wanted to see an Old Testament prophecy fulfilled.
Likewise his appearance in the Temple as a teenager. You insert a (?). This is very sensible because Luke is very likely copying or referencing an Old Testament passage here.
The suggestion that Jesus visited lands further East is possible, but it could have been the other way round. Buddhist missionaries are believed to have been in the general area at the time. Neither of these theories needs to be the truth, however. Thinking differently from the prevailing Jewish culture in Judea was a feature of the Essenes, who lived separately in their own communities. Jesus was perhaps most likely one of them.