Thanks Jack. Fascinating as always. A few observations
What you say about marriage is true but despite all the changes over the years there is still only one marriage within which all these changes occur. What you seem to be talking about here is the 'egos' of the spouses, not the 'Higher Selves/souls', which stand above and unifies everything.
“I’m going to presume you agree that dream messages/meanings are a product of one’s unconscious mind. Would you then go on to say that one’s unconscious mind is a different, separate consciousness than one’s waking mind?”
Yes I would. Ultimately, as you say, everything is mind-at-large, but in the illusion there are separate consciousnesses, as I said in the article, what we call the ego which receives the dream, and this deeper source of knowledge and wisdom which creates dreams in order to guide us. At least, that's how it appears. However, I'm not happy with the term 'unconscious mind' in this context. That doesn't do it justice, although the 'Higher Self' is of course unconscious.
“In sleeping dreams, the 'dream maker' is not your waking ego, but it IS you. YOU are both the mysterious source of the message and the recipient of the messages”. Yes, but different levels or aspects of myself.
“It is perhaps more practical to make the most of the illusion of separation, but that’s tantamount to staying asleep and drifting from dream to dream”. Not sure I completely agree. I can use my approach to dreams, but still be aware of the bigger picture, at least at an intellectual level.
I didn't mean to give the impression that there was going to be a part 2.