Thanks for the response.
On the first point, your interpretation seems to be contradicted by the text. God would have to be somewhat devious to forbid them because he wanted them to eat it. He presumably would only do this if he wanted them to disobey, and knew they would. This is a bit like parents and rebellious teenagers. I don't find that very convincing.
Do you have a reference for what you say about Jung? I would like to read his thoughts in context.
The second point is much more difficult. Jesus is indeed claimed to be the incarnation of the Son, but cannot be the same in every sense, for the Word (Logos) presumably preexisted Jesus (if we can talk in terms of time when discussing spirit, which is another tricky topic). I know that Jesus is quoted as saying “before Abraham was I am”. I take this, however, to be John having Jesus speak as if he were the Logos, i.e. putting words into his mouth. We don't find any similar quotes in the synoptics.