Thanks for responding.
I don't disparage reason. It's the overvaluation of reason that I dislike to the exclusion of all other faculties - the strategy that many modern scientists and sceptics use to dismiss ideas and data which make them feel uncomfortable. Their appeal to 'reason' is their primary weapon in their battle against ideas of the supernatural and paranormal, for example.
As for other avenues, you mention spiritual revelation. That's a good start. Others might be intuition, gut instinct, heart knowledge rather than mind knowledge, or merely seeing through the ridiculous statements and arguments of some rationalists, as they desperately try to defend their position.
“If the supernatural world is so obviously there, why isn't it obvious to everyone?” A good start would be to be open to the possibility, and not summarily dismiss it, as rationalists try to do. Keep your eyes and ears open, and look out for the signs. Alternatively, read widely in those who do believe in such things, and judge with reason whether their experiences are convincing or not.