Graham Pemberton
4 min readOct 2, 2021

New Paradigm Science — Some Important Books

Image by Genty from Pixabay

This is the second in a series of articles following on from my appearance on Anders Bolling’s Mind the Shift podcast earlier this week, in which I’ll discuss some of the material we didn’t have time for. One of our main themes was new paradigm science, so here I’ll mention some important books with a brief description of their contents, to make readers aware of them should they wish to delve more deeply into the subject matter.

I did mention Gayle Kimball’s trilogy of interviews with cutting edge, visionary scientists: The Mysteries of Healing, The Mysteries of Knowledge Beyond Our Senses, and The Mysteries of Reality. I own only the third one¹, but assume that the other two also make for stimulating reading. (I am very grateful to Geoff Ward on Medium for making me aware of it in this article.)

Here is a summary of the contents of The Mysteries of Reality. It’s divided into three sections, the first of which is called ‘New Scientific Paradigm’. The topics discussed are: Primordial Consciousness, Contemporary Idealism, The Third Copernican Revolution, Doing Parapsychology Research in a Connected Universe, and the most eye-catching title ‘Beyond Materialism: a Panspiritist Perspective’, which is an interview with psychologist Steven Taylor, author of Spiritual Science.

That is my favourite from this first section. Here is a brief extract. Kimball asks him about his panspiritist views which “explain consciousness, quantum mechanics, placebos, neuroplasticity, and evolution”. He replies: “The materialist model does not explain the world very well. There are many seemingly anomalous phenomena that materialistic science simply disregards because it can’t explain them, like psi and NDEs (near death experiences). If you replace the materialist model of science with the idea that the ground reality of the universe is a spiritual force — a fundamental consciousness or spirit — then everything begins to make much more sense. If you accept this idea, you can explain our individual human consciousness. The brain doesn’t produce our consciousness, rather it’s the transmitter of consciousness. Panspiritism explains the influence of the mind over the body because the mind is a more subtle expression of consciousness than the body”.

This idea of one fundamental spirit was mentioned by Anders during our discussion, and echoes the views of the German Idealists, notably Hegel and Schelling, as described in the previous article.

The second section is called ‘The New Physics’. There are six interviews, one of which is with Fred Alan Wolf, one of the most spiritual of quantum physicists, whom I frequently quote in my articles. He is the author of The Spiritual Universe: One Physicist’s Vision of Spirit, Soul, Matter, and Self. Some of the subject matter is extraordinary, given that the author is a scientist, albeit post-Enlightenment. (The original title was The Spiritual Universe: How Quantum Physics Proves the Existence of the Soul.)

Other highlights are:

  • ‘Logical Transcendence and Meaning Fields’, which is an interview with Dr. Imants Barušs. Kimball invites the reader to ponder the question, “What unifies Dr. Barušs’ interest in world religions, mysticism, mathematics, transpersonal psychology, and prophetic dreams?”
  • ‘A Conscious Holographic Universe’, an interview with Dr. Jude Currivan, who obviously follows in the footsteps of David Bohm. She is a physics graduate from Oxford University, who believes that she is in communication with the ancient Egyptian god Thoth, from whom she channels information and wisdom.

Here is a brief extract from the latter. Kimball: “How did you first become aware of Thoth?” Currivan: “I was in my bedroom and a discarnate light came into the corner of the room like an orb. I started hearing clairaudiently and entered into a conversation”. Kimball: “Have you maintained that communication with Thoth all these years?” Currivan: “Yes, for 63 years. Through my opening up to our innate supernormal facilities, I’ve learned from many other discarnate beings, levels of intelligence, and archetypes. I’m in ongoing conversation with them every day”. One thing that Thoth taught her early on was: “Don’t think of us as a hierarchy. Think of all of us as being part of a cosmic symphony of consciousness”.

The third section is called ‘Mind and Matter Interaction’, and focuses upon ESP. It contains an interview with my favourite parapsychologist Dean Radin, and two interviews about remote viewing. There are two eye-catching titles:

  • ‘The Meaning of Global Consciousness’, which is an interview with Roger Nelson, organiser of The Global Consciousness Project. Kimball’s introduction says that he “refers to Teilhard de Chardin’s idea of the noosphere and physicist David Bohm’s idea of a virtual pre-material informational Implicate Order as theories of ultimate reality”.
  • ‘Spiritual Psychology: Talking to Other Dimensions’, an interview with Gary Schwartz. He, like Jude Currivan, believes that he communicates with discarnate entities. Kimball’s interview covers the following questions: what events led him to research communication with departed spirits and angels; what does super synchronicity indicate to him; how does viewing consciousness as primary change how scientists understand their research?

I hope that sounds like a book worth reading to some of you.

Here’s a link to part 2:

New Paradigm Science — Some Important Books, part 2 | by Graham Pemberton | Oct, 2021 | Medium

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

I hope you have enjoyed this article. I have written in the past about other topics, including spirituality, metaphysics, psychology, science, Christianity, politics and astrology. All these articles are on Medium, but the simplest way to see a guide to them is to visit my website (click here and here).



1. iff Books, 2021

Graham Pemberton
Graham Pemberton

Written by Graham Pemberton

I am a singer/songwriter interested in spirituality, politics, psychology, science, and their interrelationships.

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