Lots of good points. However, you focus on the bad things about voting to leave, and don’t mention any of the consequences and problems of remaining in the EU, whose goal is creeping federalism by the back door, without the people being allowed to vote for it. Even if post-Brexit Britain is as bad as you portray, for some of us moderate, centrist leavers, this would be better than remaining in this organisation.
It has become a Remainer soundbite: “people didn’t vote to become poorer”. Actually we did. We were threatened with an emergency budget, and an immediate recession, if we even dared to vote to leave. And 17 million people still voted to leave. That’s how important national sovereignty is to some people. You say that we were already sovereign. Yes, and we want to keep it that way. We certainly won’t remain sovereign if we remain in the EU.
For some insight into what the EU is like, I recommend (if you can bear it) the first episode of the Brexit Party’s Youtube programme: