Graham PembertonIs the Sun a Living Organism? A Return to AnimismThe purpose of this article is to draw readers’ attention to a paper by biologist Rupert Sheldrake entitled ‘Is the Sun Conscious?’¹. As it…Jul 25, 202212Jul 25, 202212
Graham PembertonThe Hard Problem of Consciousness and the Stubbornness of NeuroscientistsA few weeks ago I wrote two articles about the relationship between philosophy and psychology/psychoanalysis, and by implication science…Aug 25, 202117Aug 25, 202117
Graham PembertonQuantum Physics, Idealism, Subjectivism, Realism, Omnipresence and Immanence — the Importance of…The purpose of this article, as will soon become clear, is to describe the almost nightmarish problems we encounter when trying to discuss…Sep 25, 20215Sep 25, 20215
Graham PembertonDo Souls Exist?This is a response to a recent article on Medium by Allan Milne Lees entitled ‘Can Souls Exist?’¹Feb 23, 20201Feb 23, 20201
Graham PembertonThe Concept of No-Self in BuddhismI read a really interesting Medium article yesterday. Emmanuel says he has recently become interested in Buddhism, but that he has one big…Sep 11, 20223Sep 11, 20223
Graham PembertonAn Idealist Understanding of ConsciousnessThis is primarily a response to a recent article on Medium by the philosopher Paul Austin Murphy, although the ideas may be of interest to…May 2, 202211May 2, 202211
Graham PembertonPanpsychism, Idealism, and the Consciousness of RocksThis is a follow-up to a recent article of mine entitled ‘Is the Sun a Living Organism? A Return to Animism’, which discussed a paper by…Aug 12, 20229Aug 12, 20229
Graham PembertonConsciousness and the BrainThe problem of explaining consciousness has exercised the minds of many writers on Medium over recent months, and of course…Oct 10, 20202Oct 10, 20202
Graham PembertonConsciousness Not Explained: How to Outgrow AtheismA few weeks ago, New Scientist magazine excelled itself in its ongoing promotion of scientific materialism. On its front cover¹ it…Dec 27, 20191Dec 27, 20191
Graham PembertonConsciousness and the SelfI just came across an interesting quote from philosopher Jay Richards regarding modern neuroscience’s materialist view that the self does…Jun 6, 2019Jun 6, 2019