Graham PembertonSave Our Fairy Tales — Thought for the Day, IntroductionI have recently completed a series of articles on fairy tales:Nov 13, 2018Nov 13, 2018
Graham PembertonSave Our Fairy Tales — Thought for the Day, number 2“Fairy stories told and retold by mother to child enrich those depths of soul from which our later hopes and ideals are born. Millions of…Nov 14, 2018Nov 14, 2018
Graham PembertonSave Our Fairy Tales — Thought for the Day, number 3“While philosophies, artistic styles and religious conventions have changed over the centuries, the fairy tales and their basic motifs…Nov 15, 2018Nov 15, 2018
Graham PembertonSave Our Fairy Tales — Thought for the Day, number 4For the German Romantics “the fairy tale is not an arbitrary play of fantasy or the fortuitous result of folk imagination, but as Novalis…Nov 16, 2018Nov 16, 2018
Graham PembertonSave Our Fairy Tales — Thought for the Day, number 5Characters in fairy tales “are prototypes of our own soul’s powers and stages of development. They are not allegories or symbols but real…Nov 19, 20181Nov 19, 20181
Graham PembertonSave Our Fairy Tales — Thought for the Day, number 6“There was a stage in human evolution when this picture-consciousness, a heritage of the heavens, was common to all. Then humans did not…Nov 20, 2018Nov 20, 2018
Graham PembertonSave Our Fairy Tales — Thought for the Day, number 7Meyer quotes Wilhelm Grimm: “Common to all fairy tales is the residue of a belief which goes back to the most ancient times and speaks of…Nov 21, 2018Nov 21, 2018
Graham PembertonSave Our Fairy Tales — Thought for the Day, number 8On the importance of sticking to the original version…Nov 22, 2018Nov 22, 2018
Graham PembertonSave Our Fairy Tales — Thought for the Day, number 9Agreeing with Bruno Bettelheim, from my first article on fairy tales:Nov 25, 2018Nov 25, 2018
Graham PembertonSave Our Fairy Tales — Thought for the Day, number 10The first nine thoughts were all taken from Rudolf Meyer’s book. There will probably be more to come, but as a break from that here is a…Nov 29, 2018Nov 29, 2018
Graham PembertonSave Our Fairy Tales — Thought for the Day, number 11“It is as though a primal memory were the source of a stream which carries the motifs from generation to generation, as long as school…Dec 19, 2018Dec 19, 2018
Graham PembertonSave Our Fairy Tales — Thought for the Day, number 12Meyer quotes Jakob Grimm: “Paganism never fell out of thin air. Untold ages were sustained by traditions derived originally from…Dec 20, 2018Dec 20, 2018
Graham PembertonSave Our Fairy Tales — Thought for the Day, number 13“The fading of the fairy-tale characters from our lives is the work of a very clever deceiver who appears in numerous stories in the guise…Dec 26, 2018Dec 26, 2018