Graham PembertonThe Reality of ESP — the American Remote Viewing ProgrammeThis article is on a somewhat different theme from recent ones. The reason is that I’ve been asked to put together a piece on remote…Sep 18, 20216Sep 18, 20216
Graham PembertonThe Paranormal as a Force for Positive TransformationThis is the transcript of a Zoom talk that I gave on February 28th 2021, organised by the Leeds Theosophical Society. It is a revised and…Mar 1, 20211Mar 1, 20211
Graham PembertonThe Reality of Parapsychology — part 4, Remote Viewing in the BibleThis is the latest in a series which disputes the claim made in an article by Jack Vance entitled ‘People Still Believe in Psychic Powers…Nov 19, 20224Nov 19, 20224
Graham PembertonThe Reality of Parapsychology, and Why Attempts to Deny it are not Science — part 3This is a second follow-up to this article, which was a critique of one by Jack Vance entitled ‘People Still Believe in Psychic Powers…Nov 18, 20222Nov 18, 20222
Graham PembertonThe Reality of Parapsychology, and Why Attempts to Deny it are not Science — part 2This is a follow-up to my previous article, which was a rebuttal of one by Jack Vance entitled ‘People Still Believe in Psychic Powers…Nov 18, 20225Nov 18, 20225
Graham PembertonThe Reality of Parapsychology, and Why Attempts to Deny it are not ScienceI’ve already written a series of articles on the reality of ESP earlier this year. This included some personal experiences, a method for…Nov 16, 20227Nov 16, 20227