It is not just my suggestion that Paul founded Christianity, but that of various scholars and commentators, including Jews like Hyam Maccoby, and Islam. (You say that I don't explain this, but I have done so in earlier articles.) The original inspiration for my series on a New Reformation was this article by the Christian Keith Michael:
The Next Reformation of the Christian Church—Is Already Here | by Keith Michael | ILLUMINATION | Medium
He thinks that the letters of Paul should actually be dropped from the Bible, since in his view they are an aberration.
You then have to consider that Paul's epistles are the earliest Christian texts. We therefore do not know to what extent the Gospels have been influenced by Pauline thinking, i.e the authors were followers of Paul.
For an example of a major contradiction in the Bible, Paul himself swears on oath in Galatians 1 that the account of the events following his conversion in Acts 9 is false. See my article:
The Elephant in the Room in Christianity | by Graham Pemberton | Medium