I don't have time to go into this in detail, but the phenomena you describe here are usually associated with poltergeists, some examples of which are ascribed to malevolent influences, one being the famous case of the Enfield Haunting. I see no reason to see this as a manifestation of the Holy Spirit. However, praying sincerely for the end of such phenomena, and invoking Jesus and Christian symbolism might bring an end to them, as in the case of exorcisms and demonic possession.
Could you please give me an example of what you mean by someone being 'saved' when walking in the countryside. Do you merely mean 'became converted'?
Regarding Josephus, are you disagreeing with “the large majority position today”, that it contains Christian interpolations in Josephus’s original text, which is what I was claiming. Once that is established, one has to decide what was original and what was interpolation/forgery. Confirmation bias will obviously play a part in which scholars one chooses to believe.