Hi Mike. Thanks for another passionate article.
I’m not sure whether you are saying Brexit is a populist/fascist disaster, or whether Brexit is merely the following item in your list. In any case, I’m uncomfortable with it being included in the same sentence. I am also uncomfortable with populism being associated with fascism, as if they were in some way related. Populism is merely a movement of the people, and should therefore be more or less a synonym for democracy. No value judgments need to be attached to it. (In Britain in the 1930s there was a populist movement against fascism.) It all depends what the people want. It’s undoubtedly true that some Brexiteers are racist and nationalistic, but by no means the majority. Over 17 million people voted for it, after all. If they were all racists or fascists, then there would be no hope for us at all. What Brexiteers want is to be free of the EU, an elitist organisation dedicated to the elimination of democracy and national sovereignty. You should be celebrating a populist rebellion against this.
The idea of the EU was actually born in Nazi Germany. These two articles are interesting:
Walther Funk, “European Economic Community (EEC) The origins of the EU ECONOMIC FACE OF THE NEW EUROPE”,
David Collins, “Striking Similarities — The Origins of the European Economic Community”
I don’t know if you can find them on line — I have PDFs if you’re interested. Here’s an observation from a correspondent of mine: “The similarities between the thinking in 1942 of the Nazi-era contributors to the EWG and not only the foundational thinking underlying the EEC but the thinking and practices throughout its development right up to the EU of today and its intentions for the future are stark and shocking”.
I hope you may revise your opinion of Brexit, if indeed you are associating it with fascism.