Hi James.
Great article. I don’t think it’s just the Protestant vehicle that is breaking down, however.
Your final thought reminded me of a very interesting article on Medium by T. D. Burnette, who writes about what he calls Post-Emergence Christianity. He refers to a book by Phyllis Tickle, The Great Emergence in which she observes that “about every 500 years, Christianity goes through a groundbreaking paradigm shift”. The list so far is: Jesus, the collapse of the Roman Empire which forced the Church to go underground, the separation of Eastern Orthodoxy from Roman Catholicism, and the Protestant Reformation.
The conclusion is that we are due another revolution, perhaps the greatest one of all. I referred to Burnette in an article of my own, expressing similar sentiments. I suspect the revolution I’m envisaging may be more drastic than the one you’re suggesting, but if you’re interested: