Very interesting, especially the first half.
I'm wondering whether you might be a little bit ahead of the actual process in your hypothesis that the human superorganism is conscious, and making decisions. If you at all accept the concept of the unconscious along the lines of Freud and Jung, then there could be a superorganism which is relatively unconscious, although alive. It might, however, be in the process of becoming gradually more conscious. I highly recommend to you a book by Peter Russell called The Awakening Earth, which goes into the issue in some depth. I feel fairly sure that you will think of it as new-agey woo-woo, in which case I would gently and humbly recommend that you consider broadening your horizons. By the way, “consciousness is the foundation of the universe” is not NEW-agey woo-woo, since Hinduism and Buddhism etc. have been saying that for thousands of years. And indeed some current quantum physicists, e.g. Bernardo Kastrup [highly recommended]. Perhaps you shouldn't have been quite so quick to omit quantum physics from the discussion.
I've written in the past about the human superorganism, and consciousness in plants. If you're interested, let me know and I'll send you some links.
Best wishes.