Here's an alternative take on science. It is very good at describing how nature behaves, but not very good at saying what nature is. A good example would be quantum mechanics, described as the best physical theory of all time because of the accuracy of its predictions, yet it is unclear what it all means, so that we have various conflicting theories. Another way of saying all this is that science is very good at describing the surface levels of reality, but not very good at all at understanding the hidden levels. Various quantum physicists have said something along these lines.
A problem arises therefore when those with a 'scientific' mindset claim that the surface level is all that exists. This mindset is commonly known as materialism/physicalism. (From the tone of your responses, I take you to be one of that group, or something similar.) If there is any truth in astrology (and I'm not saying that there definitely is, merely that it is worthy of investigation), then it is because it comes from these hidden, deeper (mysterious) levels that science has no access to.
It's fairly obvious that narrow-minded, prejudiced materialist scientists will have no interest or inclination to do so. It would be far too challenging for them. They therefore take
the easy route out, and simply deny the existence of these hidden levels.