An Alien Abduction Anecdote
This is a follow-up to a recent interesting article by Kevin Brackley on the theme of alien abductions. He is open-minded on the topic, and thinks that, no matter what skeptics and debunkers say, some cases appear to be genuine. This reminded me of a TV programme I saw a while ago, in which a woman claimed to have been abducted, and that a foetus had been removed from her womb. If she was being truthful, this would seem to be conclusive evidence. I therefore responded to Brackley, asking him whether he was aware of this example. He replied, saying that he wasn’t, and asked for details. To my surprise, he also said that there were several such cases reported. The example I had seen was therefore not as unusual as I thought.
Here are the most significant details of the story that I heard, which I’ve reconstructed from some notes I made at the time. The programme I was watching was an episode of Monsters and Mysteries entitled ‘Thunderbirds and Skinwalkers’, shown in the UK on the Pick channel on February 10th 2015. The participants were all interviewed on camera.
A man called Bret Oldham believed that he had been abducted several times. His body seemed to bear traces, in that he had large scars on his back, as if he had had back surgery, although he never had. He said that he had been taken alone all his life, but his worst encounter was in 1988 when he was abducted with his pregnant girlfriend, Dhyanne Swanson. She said that the purpose of this was to force him to look at what they were doing to her, to get his human reaction. She woke up feeling freezing cold in a room where many ‘grays’ were present. She thought she was dreaming, and was so scared that she couldn’t move. The real reason she couldn’t move was because she was tied to a slab. She screamed “don’t take my baby”. But they took the foetus, forcing Bret to watch. Then the couple woke up next morning at home, as if nothing had happened.
Dhyanne then noticed blood, and rushed to hospital. Before this incident she had been four months pregnant, and had just been to her doctor who had said that everything was perfect. The same doctor was now perplexed, saying that he had never seen anything like this. There was no foetus, as if she had never been pregnant.
Their relationship broke up, but later Bret was abducted again. The aliens said there was someone they wanted him to meet. A figure came out of the light, “not a normal alien”, appearing like a hybrid, a female, carrying a child that looked very much like it. The child looked up at him. The female said telepathically to him, “this is your child”. He hasn’t seen the child since.
Dhyanne didn’t seek any publicity, and kept the incident a secret for 25 years. Bret says that the alien abduction phenomenon is real. Dhyanne says on camera: “I’ve seen it, I’ve lived it. They are real”.