A Message for my Followers
Quite a few people have started following me recently. This is obviously very pleasing, and I’m grateful. I need to point out, however, that I am planning to take a break from writing on Medium, as I have another project that I need to attend to.
I therefore invite anyone who has become interested in my writing to explore my extensive back catalogue (please see my lists). Some of these series are as yet unfinished, for which I apologise.
My favourite themes are:
- religion and spirituality — I have a special interest in reincarnation (here, here, here), consciousness and the self (here, here, here), the divine feminine (here), divination (here), and the psychology of atheism (here)
- an exploration into various aspects of Christianity (here, here, here, here, here, and here)
- Carl Jung (here, here, and here)
- parapsychology (here and here)
- the reunification of science and religion (with a special interest in quantum physics — see here; the long series of articles on this theme starts at the bottom of that list, then work upwards)
- this reunification involves the creation of a new mythology for modern times (here, here, and here)
- the new paradigm in science (thus the battle against physicalism), see here
- evolution, and the battle against Darwinian-type ideas (here, here, here, here, and here)
- the battle against Humanism (here).
I’ve written an unpublished book exploring astrology, which is available in full (click here). There are also articles on fairy-tales (here and here), alchemy (here), psychedelics (here), and more besides.
I hope that all new followers will find something of interest there. Many of these articles can also be found on my website. Until the next time…